SUBMIT! WE WANT VIDEOGRAPHY: If you have a cool story to tell, go out with your video camera (HI-8 or 3/4" video is preferable) and shoot it for us. Anything goes: the local scene in your town, what it's like to work on the road crew, your trip to India, the tricks your cat can do when given a stuffed mouse. You can include still photographs and text with the video, if you like. Send all materials to: Trouble & Attitude The SoHo Building 110 Greene Street Suite 800 New York, NY 10012 Materials will not be returned. If your video is not "news" oriented (i.e. if it's a creative work like a short film or play) get yourself to the "Short Film" screen and be sure to fill out and sign the release form you will find there and get it back to us.